
94 search results

Visiting Varia

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Visiting Varia - Welcome to visit Varia if you would like to learn more about our operations and visit our premises!

Varia’s organisation

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Vantaa Vocational College Varia’s organisation and administration.

Varia campuses

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Varia's campuses are located in different parts of Vantaa near good transport connections.

Contact information for Varia

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Contact information for Vantaa Vocational College Varia.

Guidance counselling

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The purpose of guidance counselling is to support our students during their course of studies.

Apprenticeship studies

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An apprenticeship can be used to obtain any upper secondary-level vocational qualification. With an apprenticeship, you learn by doing: you get paid and accumulate your work experience.

Guide for mobility application

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In Varia, our students have the option and possibility to do short and long semesters or periods abroad. Instructions for going abroad can be found on this page. The step-by-step in-depth guide is below.

Accessibility statement opens in new window, links to another website

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The accessibility statement tells about the accessibility of the sites belonging to the website, as well as about giving feedback on accessibility.

Exchange studies in Varia

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Incoming students - For students arriving at Varia who are completing an exchange period, either in the form of an internship or an exchange study.

Cooperation between home and learning

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Cooperation with home is important throughout the learning path - from daycare center to upper secondary education. Functional education partnering supports a child/young person's growth, wellbeing, and learning.